No slight of hand, or April Fool's joke here. Sweet baby Malcolm doesn't spend long on his belly anymore. He makes a beeline to anything that can be used to get him to his two feet. He'll even pull up with open palms against a flat wall if that is all he can find. Today we heard he was awake from his nap but he hadn't made a peep, so I finally looked in and there he was on his feet at the foot of his crib looking at me. He hasn't quite learned how to get down from standing, though; so in his spare time standing there, he had peeled and ripped at the cattails, iris, and grasses on his wallpaper.
Pretty awesome trick photography there. I can't even see whoever's hand it is that's holding him up.
Luke, At
8:23 AM
Hmmmmm it is April Fool's Day, but it does look real. What will you be doing in a month when we visit, Malcolm? Love,Oma
Oma, At
3:24 PM
No slight of hand, or April Fool's joke here. Sweet baby Malcolm doesn't spend long on his belly anymore. He makes a beeline to anything that can be used to get him to his two feet. He'll even pull up with open palms against a flat wall if that is all he can find. Today we heard he was awake from his nap but he hadn't made a peep, so I finally looked in and there he was on his feet at the foot of his crib looking at me. He hasn't quite learned how to get down from standing, though; so in his spare time standing there, he had peeled and ripped at the cattails, iris, and grasses on his wallpaper.
Suzie, At
5:10 PM
Oh boy, but you are in trouble now! How are those gates coming?
Steph J., At
10:01 PM
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