Yesterday we went to a little public zoo in Madison. We had been there before and Malcolm was very much looking forward to seeing the flamingos again. He has been spotting flamingos lately like he spots garbage trucks. When I picked him up at the outdoor playground of his school last week, he made a big point of showing me a plastic pink flamingo that was on a yard nearby. If you ask him what flamingos do, he'll crane his little neck up as high as he can.
Mystery question: What is Malcolm is carrying, and why does he have it with him at the zoo?
Hint: It was all his idea.
Post your guess in the comments.
Is it a bag of peanuts for the elephants?
Is it the pouch in which he stores his flamingo-catching net?
Is it a sleeping bag so he can finally run off and live with the bears?
Luke, At
6:51 PM
Pretty close, Luke. All are things Malcolm would very much like to have brought with him to the zoo.
But this was his inflatable blimp. The last time we were at the zoo he saw his first real blimp, circling over Camp Randall stadium. He was absolutely enthralled with it, and wouldn't move until it was long since out of sight. Opa later found this blimp for Malcolm at a garage sale. On this day, I asked him if he wanted to go to the zoo and he immediately hurried over to pick up his blimp.
Suzie, At
10:47 AM
Looks like a mylar balloon version of a Gulf blimp--got it as a "gift" at the gas station?
Becky Wetzel, At
6:32 AM
I promise I didn't read your answer first. I purposely didn't read any answers.
Becky Wetzel, At
6:33 AM
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