Some Boy
This is the time of year in Eureka when new spider webs with round, orange "pumpkin" spiders show up in our yard every night. We've also been reading Charlotte's Web lately, and Malcolm has been enjoying getting to know Charlotte the spider and her friends Wilbur the pig and Templeton the rat.
One day we told Malcolm we'd discovered a web in our backyard that had the words "Some Boy" woven into it, like Charlotte wove "Some Pig" into hers. A week or so later, we saw a spider in the process of spinning a new web, and as we watched the threads come from her spinnerets I asked Malcolm what he thought she was going to write. He said she was writing "Some Mom."
Yesterday Malcolm's excavator seemed to be having engine trouble. After some diagnostics (we changed all the fluids, checked the spark plugs, alternator, etc.) Malcolm noticed that there was a mouse in the engine. Just as I was wondering how we were going to get a mouse out, Malcolm suggested, "We need a rat. Mom, go get Templeton!"
One day we told Malcolm we'd discovered a web in our backyard that had the words "Some Boy" woven into it, like Charlotte wove "Some Pig" into hers. A week or so later, we saw a spider in the process of spinning a new web, and as we watched the threads come from her spinnerets I asked Malcolm what he thought she was going to write. He said she was writing "Some Mom."
Yesterday Malcolm's excavator seemed to be having engine trouble. After some diagnostics (we changed all the fluids, checked the spark plugs, alternator, etc.) Malcolm noticed that there was a mouse in the engine. Just as I was wondering how we were going to get a mouse out, Malcolm suggested, "We need a rat. Mom, go get Templeton!"
That is some boy, alright!
Danae, At
11:02 PM
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